Saving time is crucial to make the most money for the cause you care about. Rather than waste hours on manual tasks, you can automate these tasks using technology, freeing your time to serve the community through your organization’s work. Your point of sale (POS) for non-profit must include automation for long-term success. Learn three essential examples of how automation can positively impact your mission.
More Money for your Mission
If you think automation is a costly investment, think again. Automation is an essential feature for POS systems for non-profits and other retail operations. Businesses who supply POS solutions understand that you’re working long hours with restrictive budgets. Learning these challenges is vital when searching for a provider to deliver the best support for you and your staff. Saving money and time is paramount to support the people who benefit from your mission.
With the right POS technology, you can automate tasks to reduce labor costs. That means more money going directly to impacting people in your local community. Relying on technology is the standard practice for operating in the retail industry including non-profits. With these technology solutions in your POS system, you can free your time to get more work accomplished efficiently and make a more considerable impact.
Reduce Time on Production Support
You have a lot on your plate, that’s why it’s essential to make the production process more efficient. Look for a provider who has a POS solution that includes a self-regulating schedule for color discounting and retagging. This saves you hours’ worth of work weekly because you won’t have to manually discount each item as it moves through the discounting cycle. What’s better is that this increases sales on an average of 5% per item, which goes right back to the mission you care about most. It makes the investment even more essential when saving money with labor costs and time spent on production needs.
Another automation feature you should look out for is a system that instantly tags and assigns products a value based on a “good, better, best” quality pricing model, making rotating discounts trackable in real-time. It removes the guesswork when it comes to the correct pricing segmentation for all your products. This is the secret feature that will help your non-profit make more money long-term. If you’re receiving donations weekly, this is a must-have, automated feature. Production is a huge portion of operating your non-profit, and automation is crucial for long-term support.
Grow Online Sales with eCommerce
eCommerce has surged over the last few years, and it will continue to grow. It’s not enough to have an in-person, brick-and-mortar presence. Non-profits and retail organizations should be online, too. This is where automated features from your POS become essential.
Setting up an online site isn’t difficult if you have the right technology from the beginning of your online experience. This simplifies the process, saving you time and providing you an opportunity to make more money for your mission. If your non-profit POS doesn’t offer this feature, you are losing out on the opportunity to expand your donations and shoppers eager to support your mission.
Migrating online means that customers don’t have to live within travel distance to your physical location to support your cause. If you’re looking to make more money for your mission, growing online sales with eCommerce is necessary. That said, it would help if you had the right POS solution to make that a reality. If you’re worried adding all your inventory to an online site will take months to complete, think again. The best POS solutions will automatically take your existing inventory based on the price segmentation and instantly upload it to your site.
Investing in the right POS for your non-profit is essential to simplify the work on your end and support your mission at the same time. With these eCommerce features, you can grow how many people can give back to your mission.
Get A POS for Non-Profit from Osprey Retail
Are you looking for a POS for a non-profit that includes automation features? Osprey Retail has decades of experience working with organizations to support dozens of causes. With a feature-rich solution, you can save time and make more money supporting your community with a device designed to give back like you do. Are you interested in learning more? Contact one of our expert team members to request a demo.